The following details how to access available Windows fileshares on a remote server using the samba client. It presumes the IP of the remote host is known.
Get list of NetBIOS names from the remote host:
linmiri% nmblookup -A IP.ADD.RE.SS
Get list of resources available on the remote host:
linmiri% smbclient -L\\NETBIOS_NAME -I IP.ADD.RE.SS -N
Access a resource on the remote host:
linmiri% smbclient //NETBIOS_NAME/RESOURCE -I IP.ADD.RE.SS -N
Copy a file:
smb> get (filename)
Interesting places to look:
c/recycled c/my documents c/windows/temporary internet files/content.ie5/*/*
Mount a share:
linmiri# smbmount //NETBIOS_NAME/RESOURCE /mnt/tmp -o ip=IP.ADD.RE.SS
Unmount a share:
linmiri# umount /mnt/tmp