Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in /home/bbaileyo/lib/php/btm_config.php on line 54

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in /home/bbaileyo/lib/php/btm_config.php on line 116
Accessing Windows fileshares from the command line using Samba

Accessing Windows fileshares from the command line using Samba

The following details how to access available Windows fileshares on a remote server using the samba client. It presumes the IP of the remote host is known.

Get list of NetBIOS names from the remote host:

linmiri% nmblookup -A IP.ADD.RE.SS

Get list of resources available on the remote host:

linmiri% smbclient -L\\NETBIOS_NAME -I IP.ADD.RE.SS -N

Access a resource on the remote host:

linmiri% smbclient //NETBIOS_NAME/RESOURCE -I IP.ADD.RE.SS -N

Copy a file:

smb> get (filename)

Interesting places to look:

c/my documents
c/windows/temporary internet files/content.ie5/*/*

Mount a share:

linmiri# smbmount //NETBIOS_NAME/RESOURCE /mnt/tmp -o ip=IP.ADD.RE.SS

Unmount a share:

linmiri# umount /mnt/tmp

More notes